The ILCM is led by the Steering Group (SG)
with support of the Operating Committee (OC).
The SG possesses the highest and most extensive authority concerning
decision-making and administration for the ILCM.
* Additional workstreams/ interest groups can be set up upon agreement by the members and allocation of resources for output development & implementation
The Steering Group possesses the highest and most extensive authority concerning decision-making and administration for the ILCM. As the ILCM grows, it is important that the SG composition is fully reflective of the liver cancer community, and that a democratic process for nominating SG members is set up.
In order to ensure that the movement continues to be patient-led, the majority of the SG will be always represented by patient organisations. The current SG has been elected in Nov 2022 for a serving time of two years.
Manon Allaire
La Pitié Salpétrière Hospital in Paris, France
Luciana Holtz de C. Barros
Instituto Oncoguia, Brasil
Shaibu Issa
Global hepatitis Advocate, Tanzania
Zorana Maravic
Digestive Cancers Europe, Europe
The Operating Committee (OC) provides strategic guidance and oversight to ensure smooth running of the ILCM.
The OC is charged with implementing SG decisions, with support from SG mem- bers when required. The OC will provide paid services to ILCM as part of the overall movement budget approved by the SG.
Raquel Peck
United Kingdom
Achim Kautz
Diane Langenbacher
The ILCM is not an incorporated entity but a global movement, whose treasury is pro- vided by Kautz5 gUG, Cologne, Germany under the German non-profit tax law.
And also:
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
African Liver Patients Association (ALPA)
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
HepC Trust
Ghana Association for the Study of Liver & Digestive Diseases (GASLIDD)
Value Builders Nigeria Limited
Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Trivandrum
Pancare Foundation